I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Monday 5 August 2024


If you've been reading this blog for a while, you'll know I've been to Berlin quite a few times. Even before I started cycling. It's a city I enjoy and I find it familiar and relaxing. It's almost always on the way home and I think that gives it a feeling of comfort. 

Having said all this, I'm not an expert on Berlin and its many cultural aspects. I just quite like it. Today I only had one destination on my mind - Yarn Over. Yarn over is a destination yarn shop (of course there are such things) and I have a project I need to shop for. 

I got my 24 hour travel ticket and got on a tram. First port of call obviously the wool shop. After lots of umming and aahing, and a yarn base based chat I managed to find the colours I wanted. Happy with my purchase I headed off next to get my new term note book then some tasty Tibetan vegan dumplings. My tastebuds positively singing at the variety of edible (to me) food on offer. 

After that I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I'd decided that I didn't fancy a 'place', rather just somewhere to relax. So I googled interesting places to have coffee and made my way to the U Bahn. I found the little coffee shop - but bought a lemonade. I sat and knitted in the community graveyard garden and congratulated myself on a good choice. 

On the way back to the hotel I passed a Gemuse Kebab place and got a takeaway for tea. Another tasty treat to round off the day. 

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