I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Wednesday 3 July 2024


I'm still prepared for something to go wrong but, again, fairly smooth sailing. Although today, there were one or two brief moments of worry.

It's a very civilised ferry the Newcastle/Amsterdam and in keeping with this, it arrives at a very civilised 9:45am. I always sleep well in the black hole that is an internal cabin and so woke refreshed. I had a coffee and a croissant then packed and milled around at the top of the stairs with the other cyclists. First on, first off and I was soon rolling towards passport control. After a moment of sheer panic when my supposed passport turned out to be a handy note book - picture for comparison - I located the correct document. The border officer did look a bit perplexed when I said I was off to Prague but seemed satisfied that I could do it via train and so stamped my passport. 

Panic two came when I tried to make a phone call. No hint of a signal, SOS only, roaming on but to no avail. Again panic. All tickets, reservations, insurance are on said phone. And I haven't downloaded a Dutch map either.  I headed off in what I was fairly sure was the correct direction and had a word with myself.  Drawing on all my ICT skills I switched it off and on again and cycling away from the port, all was ok. 

It was also raining. I felt these were my three things and so happily pootled along. I know it's been ages since I rode this way (2016 maybe?) so I imagine there's been quite a bit of infrastructure built but, it seemed a far easier ride than the old days. I even took the little ferry - glad to discover when I got to the campsite that it was indeed meant to be free and I hadn't just stowed away. 

The campsite is rather nice and rather familiar. At a rate of about 20 sites a year for about 10 years they're all beginning to merge into one but, I'm sure I've been here before. 

In keeping with my civilised reasonably stress free vibe, I got here fairly early. Pitching up in the rain I retreated inside to sort myself out. When the sun came out I set up things to dry and headed for the showers. 

A brief ride to the supermarket for a bit of tea then an evening in the tent with an audio book and a bit of knitting. 

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