I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Friday 26 July 2024


do enjoy cycling you know. 

Today was a short little ride along the border (this time on the Austrian side) to the Czech town of Mikulov. 

The fields were full of pumpkins and sunflowers, there was enough cloud cover to  make the temperature perfect and in the main it was car free paved roads. Pretty perfect all in all.

I arrived at the campsite early afternoon and set myself up for the rest of the day. Put up my tent and used my bike to put up a shady space next to it. I read and knitted for a bit and once that cloud cover came back rode down to the supermarket to get something to eat.  

The ride down the hill felt strange - as it always does when you take all your bags off the bike. It feels very light and unwieldy. 

An evening of relaxation followed. 

Once again, my plans have changed. With Saturday predicted to be 35 degrees I don't fancy my planned ride so I'll be staying here for a little while, enjoying a rest and chasing shade. 

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