I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Sunday, 31 March 2024

Pennine Way Day 1


The first day is always a toughy. Then I further complicated matters by climbing the very steep hill between Hebden Bridge and Heptonstall. I couldn't resist a visit to see the grave yard and call in on Sylvia Plath. I've visited the graves of many of my literary heros and I can't imagine Sylvia would be impressed by hers.  She's one of those writers you have to encounter at a certain time in your life to really love.  So much legendary passion shouldn't be symbolised by a field of biros and faded flowers.  But still, nice to say hello. 

After that there was a lot of fields to traipse through before I picked up the route proper. 

Up onto the moors and I was slightly worried by the very slow progress I was making until I realised the clocks had change but my watch hadn't. 

Onwards and upwards. Over boggy moor tops made manageable by a flag stone path. A couple of stops for food - that's why day one is tough, it takes me a while to remember that one must eat. 

The last moor took me to Top Withens, the legendary inspiration for Wuthering Heights. They've repointed it since our sixth form trip and I feel it's lost a bit of its romance. I went full immersion with the audio book and got there just as Catherine launched into 'I am Heathcliff,'.  So sat and listened to that imagining Emily walking the moors gathering inspiration. 

The last little part of my day took me off route again to the pub I'm staying in, legend has it that Bonny Prince Charlie sheltered here and was protected by the silence of the locals. It's also haunted. I'll report on that tomorrow. 

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