I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Saturday, 30 March 2024

Pennine Way Day 0

 Hebden Bridge

I'm having a little adventure this Easter, a walk along part of The Pennine Way. 

Step one on this journey was of course to get to the start. 

At Waverley I stood staring at the departure boards. A choice of two trains and the grim inevitability that no matter which I picked, the thing was sure to be delayed. I plumped for the East Coast, purely because it left a bit earlier. Not too busy, got a double seat and all was good. 

Within rolling distance of Newcastle we stopped - some sort of problem with the points. A short delay. When we got into the station itself we stopped as expected and didn't set off again for an hour. The passengers from another train merged with us, my luxurious double seat gone. I put away my knitting. 

We got into Darlington and most of the town boarded the train. By now it wasn't standing room only, it was standing room optimistic. I really needed the loo but, no hope. 

At York everyone seemed to get off. Folk everywhere taking deep breaths of fresh air as they tumbled out of the train.

I had my priorities, I joined the long queue for the loo. 

After that the Blackpool train (connection missed, and a cancelled train notwithstanding) was a joy. Double seat all the way, facing the right direction for most of it.  The donkey (knitting) got ears. 

I arrived into a sunny Hebden Bridge and had a quick mooch round the town, complete with its on brand colourful characters. 


I went to drop off my bag then queued in the pub (neat and orderly line, we've got very civilised since you know when) and ordered pie and chips. You have no idea how delighted I was to be served a gooey pie, home cooked chips, proper mushy peas and gravy.

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