I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Sunday, 6 August 2023

Munster 2023

I think we’ve discussed before, last time I was in Munster I’d hurt my leg; walking was a problem even if cycling itself was ok. But I do recall coming into the city centre. 

Looking up things to do in Munster I was surprised to see that there was a Picasso museum. I was even more surprised when I got there to find I’d been there before. I’m not the biggest Picasso fan and you tend to see one of two of his works in most 20th century collections so I don’t think it left that much of an impression on me.  Today’s exhibition was as last time I assume, interesting enough. I enjoyed anecdotes on the audio guides but he’s still not one of my favs. 

Didn’t take many pictures. Did pass this rail replacement bus on my way out, which I hope isn’t a sign of things to come

After the museum I want for a  ‘bowl’ - a type of food that’s becoming as common as the Eis Cafe (ice-cream, very little use if you’re hungry) in Germany. It was a very complicated system of ordering that left me very confused even when I managed to work out the menu. 

Then - because I’d had a slow start I decided that a slow evening was in order. I got some nibbles and settled down to watch a bit of tv. 

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