I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Thursday, 3 August 2023

Hamburg/Munster 2023

never want to hear the phrase ‘but aren’t German trains very efficient?’ Again. No. They are not. At all. In fact I think the only trains I have managed to get on time this whole holiday have been in the UK. Which is a surprise to everyone.

My day started so well. I was impressed with my planning. Train mid afternoon meant a relaxing start with time to look round the gallery that was across the road from my hotel.  Once again I phoned Mr H. to regale him with my deep thoughts on the state of art today. I even went so far as to email him a photo - just so he knows which painting by very famous artist I’m talking about.

Caspar David Friedrich

Hügel mit Bruchacker bel Dresden

Hill and Ploughed Field near Dresden


All other photos of the day are trains / delay laden departure boards

After an hour or two there I went to a book shop - a traditional activity at this point in the holiday. There I purchased my notebook for the school year ahead. I went for a coffee and wrote my all important contact details before heading back to the hotel to collect my bags and bike. 

From that point in it was a bit of a shambles. Nothing to do with me but, Deutschbahn, really?  I only had 2 trains to catch, as per the plan. Get to the correct platform (they tell you in the app and on the timetable in advance what the platform will be) nice and early. Find the right part of the platform. Settle in. Move away from the bloke who passed out on a bench. Settle in again. 

Platform change. 

We all know the drill. Queue. Lift.  Battle through crowds. Queue.  Lift. No idea where to stand on this platform. Battle through crowds. Stress induced good German and ask someone to help me get the damn bike on the train. Wait for crowds to pass. Hook bike on stupid hook thing. Find a seat. Settle in again. 

Obviously the train got more and more late. By the time I got off there were 4 minutes to make the (comfortable 35 minute) connection. Obviously I didn’t make it so dodging the drips of the tunnel roof I found the travel centre. First job, check ticket still valid, second job find a connecting train with a bike space. Luckily (despite the initial teeth sucking) this was possible. Got to the right platform. Watched the other trains change platform as they became more delayed, but miracle of miracles my train went from my platform with only a slight extra wait. 

In Munster in the rain and by now quite tired and very hungry I performed the complicated process of on line check in, code retrieval, room location and baggage / bike transfer. Cycling luggage is excellent for cycling, a nightmare at any other time. 

Installed at last I checked codes, went to the supermarket - looked around bemusedly because I have a cooker and hob, fridge and freezer in the ‘suite’ but decided to get a salad thing from the excellent veggie range choice and planning being beyond me at this point - fixed the Wi-Fi and settled in for an evening in front of the tele. 

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