I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Sunday 21 July 2019

To Barsebäck

Hello from Sweden!

When I woke this morning the fog was so thick I couldn’t see Sweden, or the castle I intended to visit. I parked in the car park and set off into the gloom. Kronborg castle Is the home of Frederick II, a collection of royal tapestries and of course, Hamlet.    

Through out the visit various very shouty actors deliver précis of Shakespeare. I assume the To be or not to be  was delivered in full but after wandering the castle I’d decided that my love of Shakespeare probably would not stand to hear more and was enjoying a cake in the cafe.

After that it was a short jaunt to the ferry and an even shorter hop to Sweden. 

This is the view from the 83m hill I cycled over. It was the only hill of the past few days and looked  very alarming on the route profile (as hills will when everything else is flat). As I got to the top there was, annoyingly, no view to make the climb worth it. Then just over the crest I could see out to sea, all the way over to Copenhagen and if you zoom in super close, the bridge a sixty kilometres ride away. 

To be honest I don’t feel Sweden has shown me its best face yet. Where as the Danish side of the sound is populated with chocolate box houses and thatched cottages this side is square apartment blocks and industrial estates. I had planned to make the most of the Swedish right to roam but the one forest I found to stay in turned out to be a nature reserve and so the one place you can’t camp. 

The campsite I’m on is pricier than Denmark with the most annoying shower system yet. And they wouldn’t let me pay in cash. 

The good news is that I now have spare cash and another day to explore, more cake anyone?

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