I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Wednesday 11 July 2018

Warkworth to Whitley Bay

Today started off with an interesting dilemma. How deep is too deep when it comes to fords. Apparently this Ford was running shallow but when I had a paddle I wasn’t convinced. And it was slippy underfoot.  And it was quite wide.  I didn’t think I’d be safe pushing my fully loaded bike. I thought about unloading and doing a few journey but there was no where to put them on the other side. Then, in a bit of a duh moment, standing in the middle of a river with slightly cold feet I noticed a footbridge a little way up stream. Sorted. 

The rest of my cycling day passed slowly, largely because I kept stopping to eat. I had a good look around Amble where I enjoyed a massive ice cream (Honeycombe and Strawberry Cheesecake since you ask) and then later stopped for lunch at a seaside cafe.  I ate, crocheted a bit and relaxed and then bought cake (times three) to enjoy later. 

I probably should have watched the time as, inevitably I had to negotiate my way through Blyth. It’s a middle sized industrial town, easy by car but the bike route pushes you on A road pavements then through lots of tiny residential streets. It’s hard navigation and annoying cycling.  When you’re on and off roads, paths and pavements it’s hard to find a rhythm. 

Anyway. I’m in Whitley Bay. I’ve watched the football and had a pint. Explained my life choices to a curious stranger, picked a drunken lady off the floor and now I’m in a chippy waited for my tea.  

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