I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Tuesday 10 July 2018

Beal to Warkworth

I am properly on tour; I’ve moaned about hills; I’ve moaned about road surfaces; I’ve moaned about stupid cycle path route choices; I’ve negotiated a diversion; I’ve had to put in extra miles because of closed sites; I’ve even devised a rating system for drivers passing cyclists (most people pass with flying colours. Several white vans haven’t) And today I’ve started my ‘wildlife I saw’ list. It’s fairly tame at the moment - pheasants, goldfinches, rabbits (loads of rabbits - walking round a site at night is like being Snow White) and a hare. I love seeing hares. 

I woke to the smell of the sea and the sound of chirping birds.  The accidental site turned out to be quite a good choice. The restaurant attached to the site serves breakfast (I suspect with those heading across to Holy Island in mind) and so after my first cuppa, I packed up and was there at the door when they opened. If was a very tasty and for once, well planned, veggie breakfast. 

Full up, I set off again. I followed the route slowly knowing I was aiming for a short 30 miles. I was at Bamburgh by lunch time. I wandered around the church and then the Grace Darling museum. Both of which are worth a visit. I got a sandwich for later and then went for lunch in a tea room. (That’s two meals out in one day, it’s like a holiday!).

That’s Grace Darling’s hand knitted antimacassar. Interesting on two counts 1, actual knitting by a real life historical figure 2, antimacassar is one of my favourite words. It’s sadly underused nowadays due to modern hair products.  

The afternoon ride should have been a lot shorter than it turned out to be.  The site I’d picked no long accepted tents so rather than double back I continued forwards. The next one I found looked to be miles away but with a bit of route pruning turned out to be doable. 

Doesn’t it look like the south of France? If you squint a bit it could be fields of lavender. 

Just at the very last turn of the day I met Fred again. No doubt not for the last time. We had a quick chat and went on our merry ways. Me to my Cool Camping site,  him onwards to his hotel.  

Making myself at home on site. 

Tomorrow I’m into the industrial north east. Not much bird spotting but at least it will be flat. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad you've made it over the border safely Sarah. I'll be catching up with your blog every day - look forward to hearing all your adventures! Tracy
