I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Thursday 26 July 2018

Sussex to Normandy

I’m in France! 

I caught the early ferry, luckily the heat woke me before my alarm could, got dressed and set off the short distance into Newhaven. At the port I chatted to other cyclists then boarded the ferry. 

Look, it’s Newhaven Lighthouse! 

Breakfast and coffee done I settled into an audiobook and knitting and, before I knew it we were docking in Dieppe. 

I popped into town for a sandwich and some groceries * and then cycled a few miles into the French part of the Avenue Verte. 

Half an hour later, one campsite located and settled into. And all before tea time. 

At the moment I’m chasing the shade round the pitch and eating baguette (and blogging obviously). 

Rain is forecast for tomorrow as well as far more reasonable temperatures (unfortunately these come with 80% humidity). I’m following a traffic free trail all day  so I’m hoping for gentle cycling and a relaxing day. 

*Veggie option limited as ever. I think food prices have gone up since I was last here. I passed on the €4.50 falafel. I also wonder why I feel it’s important to stock up on food here but didn’t do the same in the UK. 


  1. it looks quite idylic - rain forecast here to day as well - I've bunked off my evening shift as it was so hot in the centre I was beginning to feel quite unwell

    1. It was idyllic in the shade. I’m not afraid to admit that I spent a little while with the compass working out where would be the coolest in the morning.
