I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Friday 27 July 2018

Avenue Verte

A short thirty mile ride is all I can manage in this kind of weather. Luckily it was a pleasant ride. I cycled along the traffic free trail all day breaking a few times but largely just meandering along.  At 32 degrees I struggled with the heat and even spent an hour dozing on a bench in a cyclist’s shelter. It had shade, a sink and toilets. Everything I needed at 2pm when my will to continue had been cooked out of me. 

My usual touring picnic. I have other picnic elements packed somewhere in my panniers. This morning the family next to me (with poor toddler Hugo who was constantly bellowed at for wandering away) were observing me closely as I packed. I found it disconcerting. I also broke my spork (second one this year) spreading avocado on my baguette. That’ll teach me o be fancy. 

I arrived at the campsite with time to put up my tent just before the rain fell. With power out (there seems to be a lot of sirens now) so no showers available, I relaxed and knitted a bit before cooking tea.  I even put on a long sleeved top. 

I can’t describe to you what a joy it is to cycle along a well paved path unbothered by cars. It was just the relaxing ride I needed.  The tail breeze pushed me along and the thunder should represent a break in the weather making the next few days a more comfortable ride. 

I’m even toying with the idea of a day off tomorrow.  I hear there are three museums in town just waiting to be explored. 

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