I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Saturday 28 July 2018


Can you tell I was a little heated out last night? After an energy sapping day I was so delighted by the rain I couldn’t have even told you which town I was in. The storms thundered on through the night and you’ll be happy to know that my new tent weathered the storm well. 

Anyway, as this morning is the first time in a while I’ve been able to relax in the tent, I have put it to good use. I’ve got all necessary accommodation booked for the rest of my trip. I’ve worked out an itinerary (keeping it casual and big city accommodation don’t mix that well) and booked myself a couple of hotels and one youth hostel. I’m going for three nights in Paris - one day a velo and one day a metro - and then getting the train to Rouen. A couple of days there and then the train back to Dieppe for the ferry to Newhaven. A night back in the youth hostel and then a train to London. Finally, the train to Edinburgh and Home.  

Much as keeping it casual has been fun, I needed to organise this last week to be able to relax and enjoy this day off. Job number one obviously is washing then a trip into town to buy some coffee and have a relaxing afternoon. 

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