I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Surrey to Sussex

All change!

My keeping it casual approach has been working well so far but, it almost let me down today. I’ve been fairly relaxed about getting ferry tickets because Newhaven isn’t a busy port and there are several sailings a day. Turns out Newhaven has got significantly busier since I was last here. The overnight ferries are all booked as are some of the day time sailings so, I got myself a ticket for tomorrow morning at 9am. 

With this on mind I decided to take the shorter route to Newhaven so I could get some euros (I like to have cash on hand) and because it is the hottest day so far. Despite the heat I enjoyed most of the ride. After a hearty breakfast at Pooh Corner (Hartfield is the setting for the books) I was fuelled up and the climb up into ashdown forest was ahead. The good thing about this climb was that this was it. The only major climb of the day.

After that was out of the way it was just a case of getting myself to Lewes. The little hills kept coming and the heat was almost intolerable but, I made it. In town I got a few euros and then had a good meal. And lots of water. 

On my way out I passed a bike shop where the owner kindly loaned me a floor pump and fitted a new stand for me. I couldn’t reach to dismantle the old one with my multintool and despite assurances the one I bought in Cambridge doesn’t fit.  The lack of a stand has been driving me mad. Now I’ve got one with two feet and am rather proud of it. 

That’s it really. I’m in a Youth Hostel listening to a family fall out trying to play hide and seek. I’m contemplating going to the bar at the other end of the building. 

Exciting wildlife spot of the day: heading back from the loos last night my way was blocked by a little badger. He just stood there staring at me for a while then wandered off into the bushes. That’s the first time I’ve seen a living 3d badger. I have seen a lot of squashed ones. 


  1. A badger ! great great honour...

  2. A real 3D badger!? I'm green with envy. All the GG girls send their love. Saw Morag yesterday and she is reading away like me. Safe travels! Tracy x
