I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Monday 30 July 2018


I’ve given up with the Avenue Verte and bought a map. The small maps never quite jigsawed together in my head and, after taking myself on a detour today, I was totally unorientated.  I was also so far off route that there was little point in trying to pick it up again. The Seine is short on bridges. I set off with the intention of going to the horribly expensive site in mentioned in the guide book but when I got to the junction where I’d have to choose I went the other way (continuing into the continuing headwind), taking me to Giverney and Monet’s garden. 

After donning a handy dress over my cycling shorts I went to join the queue. The reason I had been hesitant to go there were the expected crowds but it wasn’t quite as bad as I’d prepared myself for. The queue moved slowly and steadily. I was slightly disturbed to see fully armed soldiers patrolling the grounds but no one else seemed to pay them any heed. 

When you enter the Claude Monet Foundation the first thing that greats you is a huge gift shop where Monet’s work is printed on every conceivable surface. The overall impression is of a pastel blur. I moved through swiftly and entered the gardens. They were in full bloom and indeed beautiful. After wandering up and down paths I followed the signs underground only to pop up in the water gardens. Briefly caught in a downpour I watched as gardeners in waders weeded the water lilies. 

My impression of Monet and waterlillies has always been of a man grumpy with his work, never quite happy with what he painted.   That made me wonder what he would think of the whole enterprise. I certainly wouldn’t have felt comfortable whipping out a sketch book and having a go myself.  It’s hard to contemplate beauty when you keep getting in the way of people’s photos. 

After my reflective visit to the garden I went and got myself a sandwich and then visited the local Church to see the grave of the man himself. It’s a nice little church and the grave is understated and affectionate. Sightseeing finished, I googled campsites and ended up here. It’s more of a trailer park than a campsite but the showers work well and I’ve ordered pain au chocolat for the morning. 

Still love a good roadmarking.

Tomorrow’s ride should prove fun. Looking at my new map and google it will be a challenge (just paused to remove a ladybird from my phone) to negotiate to cycle friendly route. Mrs G predicts 35miles. I suspect that’s wishful thinking! 

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