I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Tuesday 31 July 2018


I’m in Paris! I seem to find this surprising but I can see the tower so it’s definitely Paris.  Tomorrow I’ll cycle the last three miles and officially end this year’s journey. 

I have spent the day cycling over the hills between the meanders of the Seine along a D road with an obliging but intermittent bike path. The up hill was steady and then the down hills was that delightful bumpy roller coaster where you have to push for just a few seconds before freewheeling again. I passed the expensive site I didn’t stay at following my Giverney detour and picked up the route of The Tour.

Although technically it appears I could have cycled along the D113 I felt this was the point to defy google, avoid the motorway and take a slightly more tranquil route. 

I like to think that the cyclists in Team Sky kit I’ve passed today were part of the Tour. I’m fairly sure neither of them were Geraint. 

I tried to check into the wrong hotel* and then directed myself to the right one. All in all my 35 mile day is nearer to 45 but far more pleasent than I’d expected. Paris isn’t the urban nightmare to cycle in that London is.  Finally at the correct hotel (in a better location, far nearer to where I thought I’d booked. Obviously.)  There was no problem taking my bike to the room and so I unpacked, left some very mucky clothes to soak and now I’m about to investigate what to have for tea. 

*The hotel is part of a chain that has - it turns out - several Paris West establishments. 

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