I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Saturday 21 July 2018

March to Cambridge

Gosh, it’s hot.

I thought today would be short but once again, I have been thwarted by A roads. I realised after I decided on a late start that what I had thought was 30 miles would  be fifty.  Still, we press on. 

I’ve passed farms and villages complete with little thatched cottages but, one thing has me confused, where are the shops?  Where does everyone go for a pint of milk and a paper? 

Ely had lots of shops, some museums and a very beautiful cathedral. I had a look around, had something to eat and went to the shops. 

Possibly the highlight of my day - salted treacle ice cream. 

The countryside after that seemed to change. It has become more rural with fewer crops so, thank goodness fewer flies. It’s more how I imagined the fens to be. 

This evening I’m having tea in a pub. It’s all rather fancy. Tomorrow I’m having a day off to explore Cambridge and then, I am London bound. 

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