I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Friday 20 July 2018

Boston to March

Sometimes, a days tour can feel like a week, or even a month. Where you are when you finish feels like 100s of miles from where you begun. 

Today I started with a mooch round Boston, bought gas in Halfords (handy hint there should you ever be in need) and looked around the church. After that I set off through the fens towards Cambridge. I’m not going to lie, this hasn’t been my most fascinating days cycling. The landscape is fairly agricultural and surprisingly, the wildlife spotting has been limited. 

Lunch time. The stand on my bike overstretched itself this morning rendering it absolutely useless. I also lost my jaunty cycling cap somewhere in the great battle of the flies yesterday. 

Couple that with sun and an increasing headwind and you’ve got a bit of a slog. I broke it up with breaks on the hour and a visit to the supermarket (it’s all flat and dotted with houses so there’s a paucity of handy bushes for a lady to nip behind). 

Starting in a town then into the seemingly endless countryside; cycling into the rain and ending up soaking (delightfully) in a different town where suddenly accents to my unaconstomed ear have got all southern makes the day seem like forever. 

This evening I’m eating fancy chocolate, reading a book and listening to the rain on my tent. 

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