I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Sunday 22 July 2018


I’m relaxing outside a pub by the Cam after a day sightseeing in Cambridge. 

There is always something unique at an anthropological museum. 

I use the term sightseeing loosely. What I’ve actually done is cycled around to look at a lot of buildings; had a coffee and a grilled cheese sandwich; decided I’d better go inside one building at least; went to the archaeology and anthropology museum (MAA); enjoyed it; went to the Eagle of Watson and Crick DNA fame; talked to two blokes about why the conversation with a causal girlfriend about how she really ought to tone up before it’s too late is probably not going to go well; sympathised about modern dating but pointed out that cheating on your wife is a choice not something forced on you by not ‘getting it enough’ at home; reflected on how I live in a social bubble where such things really don’t need saying; only used the word patriarchy once; I mean, Franklin anyone? Finally I ambled back along the Cam to this posh pub with terrible service where I’m luxuriating in sunshine next to narrowboats and willow trees.  

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