I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Saturday 22 July 2017


I'm not going to lie, despite loving my legs, I'm glad to be out of the mountains. Although the climbs weren't exactly alpine there were some fairly steep gradients and that presents a challenge to a laden cyclist. Mix that with the often difficult surfaces and it hasn't been the easiest. I think this is the most hills I've tackled on tour since the Jogle and I've felt it. I'm happy to settle into a steady smooth-surfaced climb, I can push through that - but a sharp climb on wet uneven gravel is a different thing. That's going up and going down.  My wrists are aching and that isn't good for the knitting. 

So, having said all that, you'll understand why today I resolved to avoid the gravel. I had after all set off in torrential rain. Best laid plans and all that. I'd say that I have been dodging potholes and rocks most of the day. Still, I felt and feel good. I was wandering along a muddy track on top of a ridge; the misty air was still and I could have been the only person in the world.  I followed a hare along the path and into the woods. Later I watched a kite soaring, as it turned a partridge hurtled itself into the nearest tree. I found a road striped in purples, yellows, greens and reds as the trees dropped their various fruit at their feet. 

Eventually I reached the top of the final climb and could see for miles in every direction. That's why I love this. 


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