I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Harwick (not to be confused with Hawick)

That's better! 

Today I took a laid back leisurely approach to my cycling and it turned out great. I had a relaxing slow start: coffee, eked the last ounce of power out of my kindle to read the paper, ate some rice pudding, packed then off I went. 

First stop was Borculo for some power. I got myself a cheap charger and adapter, had a look around and then headed off again. 

After more stupid road works I made it to the Dutch German border. After a brief torrential downpour I hit Vreden, met some surley tweens, saw the town centre was mobbed with them and carried on. 

I stopped in a shelter and was suddenly surrounded by ladies on bikes. They chatted, asking where I'd come from and where I was going? Where did I sleep and how does my poor mother feel about the whole enterprise? They were a community group on their annual bike ride. They let me take a photo* and then off they went. It had been like being on stage. 

Stadtlohn bought with it a supermarket (yay for travel sized washing detergent) and a coffee stop. I looked for sites and planned a route. 

Off I went again out of the town and into the country side. There I passed a beautiful herd of alpacas. The owner pointed out one that was only 12 hours old. I showed her my knitting and knitting bag. We were both quite tickled! 

At last I'm at the site. After a day without a shower (the mug incident...I refuse to blame me or the coffee. It was the mug malfunction that did it. I'll be writing a strongly worded letter to Sainsbury's stating just that when I get back...New dressings etc. I did have a flannel bath thank you very much) I was desperate to get clean. In the shower I realised yet another mug casualty - shampoo and conditioner! I washed my hair in soap so now it's quite literally squeaky clean. 

Hopefully I'll get my tea made before the forecast rain. Tomorrow looks like it will be a damp day but hopefully I'll make it to Munster - the reported cycling capital of Germany. 

*Google messed around with blogger. Now I'm using a far less efficient app which seems to hate publishing photos. If photos don't appear here they should be on my twitter feed @sarahcycle 

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