I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Monday 31 July 2017

Berlin Rendezvous Day

Ah. Berlin!

I set off late from the campsite knowing that I couldn't check into the hotel until 3 and that Mr H's flight didn't arrive 'till 8. I took my time packing, relaxing, finishing a book, having a shower. In the end I left at around 1pm. 

Journeys take forever when you want to be somewhere. 

Through Potsdam, past more castles, through the forest then at last the city. At the first sight of 
the Fernsehturm I might have cried a bit. I haven't felt this emotional at a journey's end since the Jogle (John O'Groats to Lands End after which the blog is named). Cycling along in a straight line. Through the Tiergarten round massive roundabouts until eventually I reached the symbolic end to my journey - the Brandenburg Gate. 

Oh relief! I'd made it. Mr H would be here this evening. It was all ok.  I grinned like a mad woman and took a rare selfie.  I'm in Berlin!

At last I headed off towards the hotel. Joining the queue for the check in with my bike I waited. When I checked in I asked outright if I could leave my bike in the room. Explaining that this was a replacement for one that had been stolen. At first she said no, but I could leave it in the luggage store. The luggage store that I could see was full. She said there would be room in maybe two hours...The 

 manager came along, shrugged and said that in the room was fine. Yay!

In the room I got myself sorted, did a bit of knitting and then headed off to the airport. 

Mr H's flight was delayed by an hour so I tried to make my pricey glass of wine last. I went round to the gate and waited. Eventually. After what seemed like forever people began to arrive. I spotted him through the glass waiting for luggage. Waiting. Waiting. 

By the time he made it through the gate I'd got myself under control. He looked quite emotional himself. He described a terrible flight and seemed quite relieved just to be off the plane.  

We got the bus back into town. My voice was funny, cracking from under use. We sat behind the driver and exchanged worried glances as he swore and hit the steering wheel.  How delightful to have someone to exchange a worried glance with!  At last at Alexanderplatz we went for a drink and some tea. I described the finer details of my journey and shared lurid injury photos. Lucky man eh?

Finally to the hotel and ready for The Holiday part two. 

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