I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Wednesday 6 July 2016


By boat, bike and train I have finally made it to Prague. The train to Newcastle, a ride to Tynemouth then a picnic whilst waiting to board. A chat to Dutch bikers about Brexit (the first of many) then on to the ferry. Time for a quick nap before waving goodbye in the rain. 

A damp arrival in The Netherlands and another ride towards Amsterdam. As I had the whole day I stopped for a while to read by a canal. Even going so far as to search out my stove and make myself a coffee. Another hour went by before rain forced me back onto my bike. Reaching the city centre I had 2 things on my agenda. Visit a wool shop and sit in a pub. Wool shop visited (Stephen and Penelope- no wool purchase, great will power needed) I found a cafe. More sandwiches, coffee and even a glass of wine whiled away another few hours. Eventually I gave up and wandered to the station where I found a quiet corner and read until I'd finished my book. I went to investigate platforms and lifts, was misinformed but made it anyway. Lots of cyclists on the platform and all soon safely installed on the Munich night train.

An uneventful night despite being in the middle of a school trip and an early morning arrival into Munich. A ride around the town to stretch my legs and then more coffee and sandwiches in the station. 

At last the last train.  This time only one bike. Shared a compartment with a father and son from Columbia and chatted the journey away. 

Finally Prague. Use google maps (sod the data) to get me to the site. Pretty, little and quiet. Made myself some tea, thought it looked a lot then considered I'd been eating sandwiches for three days. Did some washing. Necessary as was still wearing the clothes I left Edinburgh in. Now ready to relax. 

I'd take that journey over flying any day. 

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