I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Sunday 28 February 2016


In winter my thoughts turn to summer. Where shall I go? How should I get there? Do I need some new equipment? Will I have to actually get fit before I set off?

This year I've been umming and ahhing. I thought about starting at Copenhagen but, you try getting there without flying. Then I thought about Berlin to Prague but that's not really that far. Then I thought about Berlin to Salzburg on EV7 but there isn't one handy route map. I got a wee bit fixated on Prague (I'm back to my 'where can I go by train from Amsterdam' route planning approach) and so I've decided on the Elbe route. I've even ordered maps. 

There's a few logistics to sort out (which is why I start my planning early). Firstly, I need a map of the Czech part of the route. Then I need to work out getting to the source of the river (apart from the over abundance of canals on the Loire route, my other problem was picking up up a half finished river. I never bonded with it like I did with Don*). 

I suspect that it will be hilly in places - especially at the beginning so I think I may have to have a bit of a training drive (after Easter, let's not go crazy) I got a car last month. At first I was a little over enamoured and only cycled a couple of times a week (to be fair there was a few severe weather warning so I'd probably have had to bus it otherwise).  Now I'm back to my usual commute. I spend a lot of said commute composing the inevitable car vs bike post which will arrive here at some point.

Safe to say, having a car hasn't dampened my love of cycling. There are times when it's convenient - and I'm planning to take the car camping soon - but I still feel more like me and more free when I'm trundling along by bike.

My questions about my summer route include -
Where can I find Czech cycle maps (route 2 or  Labska stezka)?
How well do bikes and trains mix?
What's the general Czech view on cyclists?
Camping- are there many sites, can I wild camp? 
Camping gas, are we screw top or click cap?**
Veggie food - what are my chances? 

To be continued...


* Don is otherwise known as the Donau or the Danube. I followed him from being a little brown stream until his days as the Blue giant of Budapest. One day I'll travel from there to the sea

**this links to the veggie food thing. And coffee. It's always easier to just boil a pan of pasta than to find energy filled veggie options. Not having a stove is a major inconvenience. As is having to stop all the time at anywhere that might sell either type of possible gas canister. I'm thinking of getting a solid fuel stove. Then at least I can cook (slowly) with twigs. 

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