I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Monday 18 July 2016


Ladies and gentlemen, I am officially half way up the Elbe. Progress has been slow, the wind has not been in my favour and campsites have not been plentiful. However, sightseeing has been engaging, wildlife abundant and I have developed a taste for beer. 

Today has been just cycling. I've caught a couple of ferries, had a couple of picnics and in general day dreamed the day away. I'd overestimated the distance so when I got here (another boat club) 15km earlier than expected it was a pleasant surprise. 

Using maps.me (very handy off line maps and route planning) I located a supermarket and stocked up for the evening and now I'm chilling on a wind swept sight ready for a practical day of 'jobs' tomorrow. 

My new alarm clock which woke me at silly o'clock eating insects off the tent. 

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