I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Thursday 21 July 2016

Cuxhaven to Krautsand

As I lounge here outside my tent I consider if maybe I should have bought longer shorts. Or shorter cycling shorts at least. My cyclists tan means I cut a dashing figure about the site as I wait for my washing to dry. 

Today has been lovely. Too hot, granted, but lovely none the less. I've flown along the banks of the Elbe estuary making it to my site far earlier than usual despite it being that little bit further. My bike computer (tracks speed and distance) even got in on the action and went a little crazy wracking up the miles and ramping the speed into the hundreds. It's its way of trying to tell me to replace the battery. 

Apart from a stop for lunch (in an actual cafe! I know!!) I just sort of cycled along. There was a slight hold up while I herded docile sheep out of the way of a gate (so docile that even my loud shiney new bell - which I was just looking for an excuse to ring - didn't shift them. I had to resort to shoving them. Not so easy when you're trying not to let your bike fall over and open the gate and stop them from making a bolt for freedom. I needn't have worried. They couldn't be bothered.) but otherwise I just ... rode my bike. 

The site is lovely, quiet and spacious after yesterday's over crowding affair. I'm slightly pink in patches despite the factor 50 but otherwise, all is well with the world. 

Update. Managed to get the weather forecast to load. Blinking headwind again! 

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