I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Wednesday 29 July 2015

St Malo - or back to the beginning

My final day of riding for this holiday and fittingly I'm back to where I started. Having grossly overestimated distances I have a day in hand so tomorrow I'll pack up late and head to my pre booked hotel - booked because I'm paranoid about missing Friday's ferry. 

Today, slightly scared by the navigational nightmare of St Brieuc, I mainly stuck to one lumpy (it's the coast. It's always lumpy) road. To celebrate this last cycling hurrah I took a deliberate detour up to Cap Frehal. The road was a twisty turny hilly camber laden challenge. It made my legs ache (normally they're just tired. Today they ached) but was worth the pain. 

From the headland I could see back to Paimpol and ahead to St Malo. On the horizon I just made out Jersey.  My only objection to the whole experience was the height.  I tried my best with photos but prefer to avoid the edge. The people sitting on the cliff swinging their legs only increased my panic. 

The ride back to the main road was quiet and gentle and so I was soon on my way. I stopped once more to look at a final standing stone (although technically I think it isn't a standing stone, as I don't know what it is, that name will have to do) and then arrived at Dinard. 

Dinard and St Malo are connected by a rather busy road over the Rance. It's more usual for cyclists to avoid traffic chaos by taking a water bus and on this windy day, that is what I did. I get sea sick. I'm very glad it's a short crossing. I clung onto my bike and the edge of the boat and watched as we approached St Malo.

Cap Frehal 

From the top of the lighthouse

The Water Bus (see why I'm not going so far as to call it a ferry?) I'd have taken more pictures but I needed both hands to ensure I and the bike stayed in the boat. 

One of a group of families. All adults had at least three bags and a child on the back (in a seat, trailer or bike). Any child old enough to cycle themselves had luggage to carry. You see, anyone can tour! 

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