I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Tuesday 28 July 2015


What a day! 

I had a relaxing start, had a coffee read the (electronic) paper while I waited for a break in the rain to pack up. I finally set off at about 11. First stop was the supermarket for snacks (and a small gas canister to see me through these last couple of days - I thought of going without but that would mean lots of looking for food and more vitally, no coffee) (no suitable gas, obviously). Then off I went. 

St Brieuc is a tangled mess of roads, hills and motor ways. I had planned to follow a particular route but, to no avail. Bikes got kicked off the road and onto an 'alternative route' fairly quickly. This appears a fairly sound plan until you factor in the tendency to sign the route with a labeless little green biking man. And there isn't only one route. I thought it was only me going round in circles but no, I saw others. It was raining. I wasn't that sure where I was and then obviously there was a few 'Route Barree' thrown in for good measure. Hours later. Really. Hours. I got myself across the first river valley and knew where I was. Another ridge and I found myself at Yffiniac, I could have wept with joy. 

It was 35k of frustration and pain. There was, you'll be shocked to hear, just a bit of swearing and a residual grumpy mood. Still, things improved. I managed to get a nice sandwich in the supermarket bar. And some gas. And a mini bottle of wine. Then, it was one straight simple road to tonight's stopping point. 

It's stopped raining and turned into a beautiful evening. I've had a coffee and got tea on the go. The only thing left to do is open that wine! 

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