I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Tuesday 14 July 2015


As rest days go, this was restful. The weather was suitably dull and overcast - far better for cycling really - but I managed to while away the day. 

Knitted a bit. Sorted out the washing and finished off an unremarkable book. I've been to investigate the noise in the park next door. I assumed it was Bastille day related although, it seems to have rather more to do with model planes. 

I've picked out some bike friendly(ish) TER trains to take me for a mini break in Bordeaux. After that I'm braving the TGV to revisit the Brittany north coast. The plan then is to cycle back to St Malo which, being as St Malo is on said coast,  is not a complex plan.

Large model plane. I thought maybe it was going to fly but, on closer inspection maybe not. Somewhat incongruously the model plane celebration has been accompanied by 80s anthems on a loop for most of the afternoon.  Like me, other campers have been along to see what the fuss is but, almost all have returned - unimpressed - to their tents. I'm hoping there will be fireworks later. 

Knitting progressing. 

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