I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Saturday, 6 April 2024

Pennine Way Day 5


Another day of rambling. A gentle climb with barely a soul to be seen. The sun wasn't out but the rain wasn't either. Just me and the sky larks beautifully alone. 

The navigation was easy and for the most part the path was firm underfoot. 

I turned off my book (Jane Eyre, keeping with the theme) to savour the space and after checking the route pretty much put the phone away. I checked when I was coming off the moor (the route kindly taking me through a bog after 12 miles of dry footed walking) and onto farm land. Then at the bottom of the hill got out my phone to call dad. 

Well, I tried to. 

My phone was not there. Not in my pocket. Not in my bag. Not anywhere. 

Turning around to walk back up the hill I thought of the moment I'd jumped at a grouse flying out of the heather. I'd imagine my phone jumped too. 

I climbed up scanning the ground. I knew when I'd last checked the map so it had to be between here and there - about half a mile away. 

Behold! A little girl running down the hill waving something. Her smiling dad and dog Rupert following behind. They'd found the phone and seen me turn around and thought I may need it. Scarlet admonished me to zip up my pocket in future and we wandered back down the hill together. 

At the bottom I called dad and we met up ready for our walk tomorrow.  

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