I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Thursday, 4 April 2024

Pennine Way Day 3


Today was in theory an easy 10 miles. It was beautiful walking, through fields towards the dales. I spent a lot of it imagining how enjoyable it would be if I had anywhere to put my feet. 

There were plenty of sheep to chat to including some new born lambs. I stopped at the marvellous Gargrave tea room and had a cuppa. 

The 10 miles turned into 12 and a half. I was on route all the way (although I did deviate 100 yards to the co-op) so my only explanation is that I've spent two and a half miles wandering around unsuccessfully trying to avoid bogs, marshes and mud. 

Arriving at the youth hostel and being told they have no heating or hot water was most unwelcome. 

I write this to you in my thermals, in my bed, glad the freezing weather forecast (it's gone up to a mild 6 degrees now) prompted me to bring a warm coat.  

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