I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Sunday, 6 August 2023

Den Haag 2023

The final travel day (I count Uk trains as going home). After all my train travails I didn’t have much faith. This was compounded when I bought a bike ticket for the journey only to be told that the trains on my itinerary didn’t exist. With that in mind I set off a few hours earlier than planned.

But, actually, it was all fine. Train one was a rickety old 2 carriage job and that dropped my in The Netherlands. Train 2 was almost missed trying to find the wide gate to get the bike through. Train 3 was busy - I think it was Amsterdam Pride. 

Then the bike ride out from Den Haag to Hoek Van Holland was rather nice. I’d been in a bit of a rush in my way in and had gone an unfamiliar route. On the way back I had plenty of time and so I took a more leisurely and more familiar route. Along past the flags of the world congress, then put to the beach. A little wander on said beach to eat my sandwich then onto the ferry terminal. 

There I was expecting a long wait but boarding started early and was so quick i had time to eat, have a doze, have a wash and still be on deck to see us set sail. 

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