I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Wednesday 10 July 2019

To Gromitz

Today was a pleasant in-between places kind of ride. No more tail wind but no head wind either. 

I’ve upped my mileage so I’m almost at ‘full capacity’ and riding is feeling comfortable. 

There’s not much to report really. I saw lots of birds including a very surprised family of grouse, a siskin and a goldfinch. I watched swallows swooping over cornfields and almost under my wheels. 

Although I was near the coast all day I didn’t get a glimpse of the sea until almost at the campsite. Arriving I established that they did indeed take tents and now I’m all settled in making my tea.  I’m proving to be quite the spectacle - a tent in a caravan park. People keep passing friendly comment.  

Tomorrow I’m following the coast north towards Fehmahn.

Today, like the rest of my journey, I have been cycling along bike paths. Since leaving my hotel in Hamburg I’ve been cycling with traffic for a maximum of 10km. When crossing joining roads I have priority. If not, there are crossing lights. Having priority takes a little getting used to and it’s quite hard to break the habit of riding defensively - thus annoying drivers who expect me to go first, as indicated by the give way lines, by waiting for them. This has meant a delightfully relaxed trip apart from today’s very root strewn bumpy bike paths.  

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