I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Wednesday 17 July 2019


Let’s be honest, my first impressions of Copenhagen weren’t great. I arrived at the back of the station and immediately cycled along a load of busy roads to a less than salubrious campsite. When I cycled into the centre today it was noisy and overrun. 

Still, we’ll give it a chance. I decided that I’d use today to get the lay of the land and so I parked up at tourist information, got my Copenhagen Card and got on the sight seeing bus. I trundled around. Dutifully took photos of the Little Mermaid and eventually got off at an art gallery. 

The quiet gallery was just what I needed.  The exhibition was about narratives and turned out to be really interesting and engaging. Although I’m still on the fence about documentary in art galleries, these films told stories rather than arguing or explaining. 

I got back on the bus refreshed and with a plan. I collected my bike and cycled off to Christiana Freetown to connect with my hippy self. Their hardware market is excellent and I got some much needed camping gas. Wandering around there was a very distinctive smell in the air and hash was openly (although not legally) for sale. Stop for too long and you’d be high as a kite.  Thinking about tea, I got back on my bike and headed along to the street food market a little further along the island. I wolfed down a rather excellent veggie wrap and briefly considered a glass of wine before some conversion calculations put me off. Instead, I headed back to the site via Nyhavn. 

Back at the tent I’ve spent a little while with the map and planned out my day tomorrow - I’m determined to eek every last penny out of the card. 

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