I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Surrey to Surrey

Keeping it casual seems to be working well so far. 

I started today with a lazy and leisurely huge breakfast then pottered around a bit before finally leaving the hotel (I like to get my money’s worth). 

I have finally accepted that I really won’t be needing that spare jumper or an extra jacket (both of which have been used earlier in the holiday) and so my first job was to locate the post office.  Parcel posted, I then hit the trail. 

I’m now following the route from a guidebook. That gives me a good idea of surfaces, gradients and attractions along the way. I’d planned a short day with most of the climbing in the beginning and then a lovely descent to the end. And largely, that’s what happened. 

I thought I’d go and have a look around the air conditioned airport for five minutes or so but the lift wasn’t working. 

Getting out of suburbia and skirting Gatwick, I’ve followed cycle trails in the woods nearly the whole day. The climbs were mainly gentle as was the down hill at the end of the day. 

I’ve not come far but I’ve had a lovely ride. My site is tucked away in the hills overlooking fishing lakes and surrounded by trees. In a bid to be well rested I’ve chosen the shadiest sport I can. 

I’ve spent a lot of today finding shady spots and relaxing. It’s been far less sweaty than I thought it would be. 

Tomorrow I’ll be riding a short distance with lots of relaxing along the way. Because I’m keeping it casual. 

1 comment:

  1. yes shady spots.. just back from HOT AS HELL london... what a relief to be back in Edinburgh
