I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Sunday 6 August 2017

Kassel Day 2

Art...art...art...today we've toured gallery after gallery looking at installations, pictures and films. There seemed to be a lot of stuff about war and refugees. A lot of earnest documentation of (usually others') experience. We wandered around the huge spaces of the Neue Neue gallery.  Then the glass houses. A tram ride and lunch (Nachos!) and then four more galleries. 

Looking back at my photos I was as engaged by the signs as I was by the pieces. The addition of a felt tip red 'BURNED!' To Trojan Hourse by Daniel Garcia Andujar. The invitation of 'please feel free to take a seat' (Joan Nango) had 'in the back  of the bus' added. There wasn't room to do so though. I had visions of gallery attendants at the end of their tether surreptitiously wielding sharpies. 

In the evening after an hour or two recovery we had a night cap in the hotel bar. I did a bit of knitting (I've almost finished the front of a jumper) and we tackled a crossword. We have one more day here and I fear we may be arted out.  I'm hoping for nothing more taxing than a picnic in the park. 

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