I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Sunday 16 July 2017


A night in a hotel? A relaxing day's cycling? What do I think this is? Some sort of holiday? 

Due to campsite location today has been very relaxing. I'm only about 20 miles from the hotel and even at a more round about route I only managed to eek out 60k.  

After leaving the hotel I tried to pick up the R1 route but things got a bit confused - there's lots of bike routes because Germany is a sensible country so when I thought I'd picked up my route I had in fact picked up another. Then I followed my route in reverse for a bit before getting myself back on track. 

I stopped for a picnic in the woods and then later had a proper pub lunch. The woman behind the bar seemed endeared by my stuttering German and looked very sympathetic whenever I ordered anything. I had a salad again. I had salad for tea last night. I don't have much food with me (I forgot to Sunday up) but I'm defiately having loads of carbs tonight. 

The route took me up and up through the trees. It was a gentle but satisfying climb. It gave me that 'we've got this, keep going' feeling from my legs that I love. When I noticed the hole worn in my shorts where my thigh rubs against the seat I saw evidence of hard work. I love my legs. I love that they are big and strong. I love that I can do this. Thank you legs. 

Checking in at the campsite in the drizzle using more stuttering Deutsch (The only things I can do in German are get veggie food and get accommodation. Even then I struggle if we go off script and someone attempts an actual conversation) the woman again looked sympathetic.  Now the tent is up, the sun is out and tea is on. 

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