I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Gartow to Wittenberge

I had such plans for Wittenberge. It is the home to several bike shops and (formerly) Singer sewing machines. 

The bike shops did not provide. One had Ortleib panniers at vastly inflated prices and couldn't accept cards. My duct tape is holding. I took it as a sign. 

Then I went to hunt for the town museum. My guide book reliably informs me it has a history of the sewing machine. I don't know if it does 'cause it closed as I reached the door. 

But the good bits. I had a lie in and then coffee and breakfast in bed. I'm very near to Magdeburg (again) and so in no rush. I've calculated two more days and have a week. Rain is predicted tomorrow and so I predict I'll not move far. 

On the museum front, where one museum did not provide, another took its place. Turns out I'm on the old East/West German border and there is a museum to that. It's not a fancy museum but it's a good museum. With the help of trusty google translate, I found it rather interesting. 

Now I'm on a campsite in the middle of the woods next to a lake. My plans for the evening largely involve not adding to my interesting collection of insect bites.  

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