I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Sunday 26 July 2015

Perros Guirec

It turns out I'm only about 150k from St Malo. That's 2 days riding. As it was raining this morning - and everytime I started to pack, deciding that things had improved and I might as well get moving - it started to rain again. I took that as a sign from the gods and went to book a second night. 

In the couple of hours that the rain held off I went for a wander along the beach.  I  had a look in some rock pools and sat for a while watching the weather pass. Back at the site in the rain I read and knitted and even did a bit of crocheting. My hobbies are wide and varied. 

This evening I waited once again for another band of rain to pass and headed down to the cafes on the sea front. I have never met a pizza I can't eat but the plateful of melting cheese that was the quatre  fromage has quite outfaced me. I had to give up.

I checked the weather for the rest of the week and it seems to be fine.  I wasn't paying much attention to the other stats until I noticed the gale force winds predicted tomorrow. It's a tail wind but, never the less, conditions will be far from ideal. Strong wind makes a bike hard to control (obviously) and I was planning a fairly direct, main road route...we shall see.

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