I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Sunday 19 July 2015


What a difference a day makes .... That's been going round and round in my head all day. Right from when I packed up my wet tent and set off on my merry way. 

I wanted to go to two towns so hadn't planned to travel far.  I took a rather circuitous route but, I've got time. 

First stop was Dournenez. There was an open cafe - I know, on a Sunday! - and an open museum. I treated myself to Omelette and chips first and then wandered round the maratine museum. As I set off through the steep streets, the rain started to fall. And it hasn't really stopped since. 

As Locronan has a campsite and was my other 'point of interest' for the day, I decided to set up camp and then go into the village. 

At this point I was fairly damp, but not soaking. I got changed and off I went. By the time I'd walked that 500m I was. Soaking that is. I looked around the little shops and in the church - the resting place of St Ronan himself. It really is a very pretty, if very busy village.  Famous in the past for its linen weaving it is now known as a tourist destination and as the setting for Tess, the Polanski film. 

Heading back the rain got heavier. I sometimes wonder if the weather is taking the mick. I got into my tent and wrung out my trousers. I've hung up my cagoul to dry as best it can. 

I've armed myself with a bunch of tourist information leaflets to plan the route ahead and in the hotel had the foresight to downloaded some tv. I've put on the warm coat I'm thankful I've been carrying and settled down for a night in. 

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