I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Tuesday 21 July 2015


I could start this post in the same way as yesterday. What a difference a day makes.

It's been almost ideal conditions. The sun out but not too hot. The wind almost in the right direction and, after an initial climb, down hill most of the day. 

I mooched in supermarkets and had a look around a church at Le Folgoet. I was motivated by its origin. The town's name translates as 'Fools wood'. It is named after a 'simpleton' called Solomon who never said anything but, 'O Lady Virgin Mary'. The church is built on his favourite spring. When he died a white lilly grew out of his mouth. Or so I'm told. 

What a lovely bike path. Part of a signed bike route. You know where you don't want that bike route to end? A motorway junction. 

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