I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Sunday 8 July 2018

Edinburgh to Dunbar

After having the relaxing day I was hoping for - spending time with my other half, repacking to my satisfaction, doing a shop - I set off this morning. 

Rather than heading up to the Castle, I chose my starting point as Newhaven Light House. I said my goodbyes and then headed off along the harbour to find my balance.  After that the ride was fairly straight forward. It’s an area I know and a route I’ve done before so it held no great surprises. 

Lunch at Port Seaton. I took such a dislike to my new spork that I’ve abandoned it in the camp kitchen. 

Turning inland at Longniddry I met another tourists. A proper tourist on my first day!  We chatted and established that we were heading the same way. After that we rode together all the way to Dunbar. Talking made the miles go quickly and before you knew it, we were in here.  Fred headed off to his hotel and I headed to the co-op in search of tea. 

Obviously, this is not a bikelane. No good pretending it is. 

A last little push and I arrived at the campsite.  There was a slight moment of panic - thought I’d forgotten the tent pegs, turns out I’d just put them away properly last time I camped - but otherwise all is well. I’ve eaten and had a walk on the beach and now I’m settling down for an audio book and a bit of crochet. The first night of a hopefully relaxing holiday. 

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