I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Amsterdam Day 1

I have decided that I like cities best when they're not too hot. Even a bit of rain. I've never been too enamoured with Amsterdam but today I had a really nice time. 

After breakfast we asked to move rooms. The 'emergency room' they gave us at first had no windows. I'd checked there was air conditioning before agreeing to stay but it wasn't working at all. There was also a really annoying click coming from a speaker every 32 seconds. I timed it. We left our bags with reception and went to explore the town. 

We haven't got plans. We thought about the Rijksmuseum but when I see a queue for a queue I tend to lose enthusiasm. We wandered for a bit. Had a look in some shops. Had a coffee. Eventually we made it to a shop called Stephen and Penelope - destination wool shop. I spent quite some time browsing and purchasing.  Mr H gave up and waited outside.  After buying some lovely wool we went for something to eat. We found a nice cafe out of the rain and with a resident cat. I ordered Nachos and browsed patterns for my new wool.  A very content lady. 

Back at the hotel we were happy to find that we had a new room. With a window. They hadn't gone so far as to put our bags in the room and inspection of their information book told us that would have cost us €3.50 each.  In the evening we just relaxed. I dispatched Mr H for a takeaway - the hotel restaurant is temporarily closed, the bar they advertise in their information book doesn't exist. (I checked at reception) and knitted. We watched BBC dramas with added audio description - it's impossible to turn it off from the worn remote control.  The speaker in this room clicks too. 

I've had a lovely day in Amsterdam despite - or possibly because of - the rain. I do however have a few notes for our 'four star' hotel. 

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