I thought of that while riding my bicycle.

Sunday 24 July 2016

Neu Darchau to Gartow

Today I started out with a bit of a climb. I quite like a climb when I'm fit. Pedalling my great loaded bike up a 10% incline without feeling like my legs are jelly or that my heart will beat out of my chest is a good feeling. At the top of the hill I found a viewing tower and so climbed that too. This obviously was a foolish move as we all know by now that I hate heights. I considered that after a few levels but don't like to give up so pressed on. At the top I looked at the view, managed one photo, sat on the seat in the middle of the platform and had a word with myself then made my way down slowly. 

There was then a quick ride into Hitzacker (which I've been calling hitchhiker in my head).  This town is apparently one of the most beautiful on the half timber framed house road (or something like that). It was quite pretty but lacking in open cafes at 12 on a Sunday. I found a bakery populated by cyclists and had a slightly stale sandwich. 

After that the route was a rural one running through more nature reserves. I stopped to admire houses, barns and churches. I looked at viewing towers from below and picnicked 'till my heart was content. 

At about four o'clock I felt one of my rear panniers hitting my heal as I peddled. Obviously this is not the usual set up. I thought I'd not attached it properly but no, the whole bracket had come off.  I duct-taped it up and hoped it would get me to this site. Which it did. 'Cause duct tape's great. It's also patching up another 2 of my set of four panniers. I can live with that but, the bracket is a fairly integral part of the whole touring set up. And one that I can't really do without.

So, my plan for tomorrow shall be to have a lounge around. To knit a bit and then, to do some shopping. 

The view really was lovely, more so that this shows but, I wasn't in a photography frame of mind. 

My usual view. Look at the bell! Don't you want to ring it? Ding ding!!

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